38th Street Dental

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Tooth Stains

Aug 7, 2018 @ 10:14 AM — by Mike Meek, DDS
Tagged with: Cosmetic Dentistry

Dental stains and tooth discoloration have a huge impact on the overall appearance of the smile. Fortunately, thanks to the wide range of cosmetic dentistry treatments to enhance the appearance of the smile, we can address all types of tooth discoloration.

At 38th Street Dental, our experienced dentists offer treatments to address intrinsic and extrinsic tooth stains. Understanding the differences regarding intrinsic vs. extrinsic tooth stains is vital to providing our Austin, TX patients with the teeth whitening results they desire.

Characteristics of Intrinsic Tooth Stains

To an untrained eye, it can be difficult to distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic tooth stains. However, a dental professional can examine the teeth to determine which type of discoloration is present.

Some of the characteristics of intrinsic tooth stains include:

Treating Intrinsic Tooth Stains

Since intrinsic tooth stains permanently discolor the structure of the tooth, they will not improve with brushing or professional teeth whitening. However, there are cosmetic dentistry treatments that can address intrinsic stains and improve the overall appearance of the teeth.

The cosmetic dentistry treatments most commonly used to treat intrinsic tooth stains include:

Characteristics of Extrinsic Tooth Stains

Extrinsic tooth stains are classified as superficial, because they do not reach into the inner layers of a tooth’s structure. Some of the most distinctive characteristics of extrinsic tooth stains include:

Treating Extrinsic Tooth Stains

Since extrinsic tooth stains only affect the outermost layer of a tooth’s structure, they are easy to treat. Cosmetic dentistry treatments that can improve the appearance of teeth affected by extrinsic stains include:

Contact Us

Patients who are bothered by discolored teeth can rely on the cosmetic dentistry services offered at 38th Street Dental to enhance the appearance of their smile. To learn more about which types of treatments may be most appropriate for your unique situation, contact us at your earliest convenience.