38th Street Dental

How to Reduce Discomfort after Dental Implant Surgery

Aug 22, 2019 @ 01:11 PM — by Mike Meek, DDS
Tagged with: Dental Implants

Whether paired with dental crowns, bridges, or dentures, dental implants offer a permanent solution to those who suffer from tooth loss.

Dental implants require oral surgery to place them in the jawbone. Accordingly, some degree of pain should be expected after treatment. At 38th Street Dental, Drs. Mike Meek and David Tasch provide tips on how to reduce discomfort after dental implant surgery. If you live in or around Austin, TX, and would like to learn about ways to reduce pain after dental implant surgery, we invite you to schedule a consultation.

Dealing with Discomfort after Dental Implant Surgery

Some degree of discomfort should be expected after dental implant surgery. While each patient's experience is different, most will feel some amount of pain and notice swelling after surgery.

Fortunately, there are ways to manage pain and reduce discomfort. Let's consider some options that may provide relief from discomfort after dental implant surgery.

Take Pain Medication as Recommended

After dental implant surgery, it's normal to feel some pain at and around the implant site. Pain is typically greatest within the first few days of recovery, but should subside as the body heals.

One of the most effective ways to reduce pain and discomfort after dental implant surgery is taking pain medication. Pain medication may be prescribed or over-the-counter medication may be recommended. If pain medication is used, it is important to only use them as prescribed or directed.

Apply an Ice Pack to Swollen and Sore Areas

In addition to pain after dental implant surgery, patients should expect some swelling. Although the degree of swelling will vary among each patient, swelling may occur around the implant site, around the cheeks, within the jaw, and sometimes beneath the eyes.

Applying ice or an ice pack to areas of swelling can help our Austin patients reduce inflammation and provide some pain relief. When applying ice or ice packs, it's important to wrap the ice in a clean cloth, and not place the ice or ice pack directly on the skin. Additionally, wrapped ice should only be applied for about 20 minutes or less at a time to prevent injuring the skin.

Take an Anti-inflammatory Medication

In addition to applying ice, taking an anti-inflammatory pain medication can help reduce swelling while at the same time ease pain.

There are many anti-inflammatory medications available over the counter, such as ibuprofen. As with any medication, anti-inflammatory medications should only be used as directed.

Stick to a Diet of Soft Foods

After dental implant surgery, the tissues around the implant site, including the jawbone, will be sore. Eating things that are hard or crunchy can be difficult to chew and may lead to gum irritation.

It is recommended that our Austin patients stick to soft foods, such as yogurt, mashed potatoes, and purees, which require little or no chewing for several days after dental implant surgery to avoid further injury as the implant site heals.

Rest after Surgery

Getting some rest after surgery is a good way to give the body time to recuperate. Patients should be prepared to take some time off from work, especially those who have strenuous jobs.

Rest is most important for the first few days after surgery, when swelling and pain is typically greatest. Taking steps before surgery to create a restful area after surgery can be done by adding extra pillows to a bed or couch, having a cozy blanket nearby, and having comfortable clothes ready to change into.

Learn More about Dental Implant Treatment

For more information about dental implant treatment or to find out if you're a candidate, call our friendly staff at (512) 458-6222 to schedule a consultation.