38th Street Dental

Dental Implants for the Front Teeth

Jun 22, 2019 @ 06:15 PM — by Mike Meek, DDS
Tagged with: Dental Implants Missing Teeth Restorative Dentistry Dental Bridges Dental Crowns

Losing a tooth or multiple teeth can have a major impact on your smile and your dental health. That’s especially true if you’re missing your front teeth. Those tooth gaps are going to be hard to hide. Thankfully Dr. C. Mike Meek and Dr. David J. Tasch have a solution for this issue at their Austin, TX dentistry practice. Consider a crown or bridge supported by dental implants, artificial tooth roots with unparalleled hold.

The 38th Street Dental team would like to consider why patients should consider dental implants for missing front teeth. Hopefully the information below gets you interested in the potential of implant dentistry.

Problems Caused by Missing Front Teeth

If you are missing your front teeth, this can lead to numerous dental health issues as well as problems with smile aesthetics.

First of all, biting and chewing can be extremely difficult, which means that your missing teeth could have a negative impact on your diet and nutrition. The loss of your front teeth could also lead to problems with dental alignment, making teeth grinding (bruxism) and TMJ disorders more likely.

In terms of the appearance of your smile, missing front teeth can have a negative impact on how you look. The prominent gap from a missing tooth or teeth can make you feel self-conscious about laughing and smiling, even around people you’ve known for years.

Why Consider Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically implanted into your jawbone and gum tissue. With dental implants in place, you will be able to bite, chew, smile, and speak just as you did before losing your teeth.

A bridge or supported by dental implants is far more stable than a traditional dental bridge that is removable. The implants will also prevent bone loss and gum recession linked to tooth loss. This means better overall aesthetics as well as improved function and dental wellness.

Good Candidates for Dental Implants

Good candidates for dental implants are people with sufficient bone density and gum tissue in place. They should be in good overall health and be able to tolerate an oral surgery procedure. During the consultation process at our Austin practice, we can go over all of the risks and benefits associated with implant dentistry.

The Recovery Process

After getting dental implants placed, patients will face a months-long recovery process. This is to ensure the dental implants fuse with the jawbone tissue. This process is known as osseointegration, and it is essential for successful implant dentistry treatment.

Creating a Custom Set of Front Teeth

As patients recover from the oral surgery and let osseointegration take its course, a custom dental appliance will be created in a lab. This dental bridge for the front teeth or corwn for a single front tooth will be designed to fit snugly, creating a bite that feels comfortable and has a natural-looking appearance.

Creating a Dental Treatment Plan Just for You

People missing their front teeth looking for a good dental treatment solution should consider dental implants. We would be more than happy to discuss the pros and cons of this advanced procedure during a visit to our Austin practice. We can also suggest dental implant alternatives if you would prefer another type of treatment for missing teeth.

Learn More About Implant Dentistry

If you would like more information about implant dentistry and how it can help you, be sure to contact skilled cosmetic and restorative dentists. You can schedule a consultation at 38th Street Dental by calling (512) 458-6222.