38th Street Dental

Tooth Loss and Dental Implant Statistics

Apr 22, 2019 @ 11:05 AM — by Mike Meek, DDS
Tagged with: Dental Implants Missing Teeth Restorative Dentistry

If you are missing a tooth or multiple teeth, you are not alone. Tooth loss is a common dental health issue among Americans. Dr. C. Mike Meek and Dr. David. J. Tasch have plenty of options for treating tooth loss at their Austin, TX cosmetic and restorative dentistry center. Traditional bridges and dentures are a tried and true treatment option, though plenty of patients have turned to dental implants, which are surgically placed artificial tooth roots that support false teeth.

The team at 38th Street Dental would like to consider some revealing statistics about tooth loss and dental implants. These numbers should help you weight your options when it comes to tooth loss.

Numbers on Missing Teeth

According to the American College of Prosthodontists (ACP), 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. On top of that, 40 million Americans are missing all of their teeth. These numbers reveal the pervasiveness of tooth loss in the country.

The Most Common Causes of Tooth Loss

The International Journal of Dentistry published a 2012 study that examined the most common reasons for tooth extractions in a dental clinic in Brazil. While the country may be different, these are similar reasons for tooth extraction or tooth loss that we see at our Austin dental center.

How Age Factors Into Tooth Loss

As people age, tooth loss becomes more likely. This is due to the wear and tear on the teeth, as well as issues with gum disease, bone loss, and injury to the mouth.

The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) has some fascinating numbers on the average number of teeth people have remaining at different ages. For reference, the average mouth has 28 teeth once wisdom teeth are removed.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) add some texture and shading to the above numbers. An estimated 13 percent of people age 65 to 75 are missing all of their teeth, while 26 percent of people age 75 and older are missing all of their teeth.

How Many People Have Dental Implants?

According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID), 3 million in the US have at least one dental implant. Since dental implants are able to support a single crown or an entire denture, it wouldn’t be surprising if someone had just one false tooth anchored into place with a dental implant.

The Success Rates of Dental Implants

The success rates of dental implants are quite high. According to numbers from the Journal of Oral Implantology, the overall success rate of implant dentistry is 98 percent.

An Acta Odontologica Scandinavica study tracked dental implant patients over the course of 8 to 14 years, monitoring their satisfaction. Among the 400 survey respondents, 94 percent reported satisfaction with their dental implants during this time; 81 percent noted that chewing and biting was just fine with dental implants in place. While 32 percent of respondents did report some complications with their dental implants, they were still overwhelmingly satisfied overall.

Learn More About Dental Implants

To learn more about tooth loss and how dental implants can help improve the appearance and function of your smile, be sure to contact our advanced cosmetic and restorative dentistry center. The team at 38th Street Dental is here to help. You can reach our office in Austin by phone at (512) 458-6222.