38th Street Dental

December 2021 Update on COVID-19 Precautions at 38th Street Dental

Dec 14, 2021 @ 02:38 PM — by Dr. Meek
Tagged with: Covid

As we near the end of 2021, I wanted to take a moment and provide update on what pandemic precautions are in place here in our practice.  At almost 2 years later, it is important that we keep front and center what our priorities for dental care in this new era

First and foremost, our team is vaccinated.  We did not put a mandate in place, but instead, the health and well being culture of our office made the choice for each of the team a fairly logical thing.  I think that gives you an idea of the kind of clinicians coalesce around our practice.

On entry to the practice each morning, staff temperature checks occur and are logged.  Anyone with the slightest elevation in temp is asked to return home.  

We are still taking patient temperatures as we have since the beginning of the pandemic.

We are still requiring masks in our office.  Dental offices render treatment each and every day.  Our clinicians wear masks in all areas of the office and we feel that the protection of the face covering should include the patient when not involved directly in care.  We have masks in the lobby should you need one.

Social contacts and patient volume have been reduced in our practice since the onset of the pandemic.  We have continued that path and this “new normal” in dentistry.  Every effort is still made to connect you and your clinician to minimize social contacts with our team as you move through your appointment.

As the threat of the Omicron variant materializes, know that we are ever conscious of the need for caution and care surrounding the delivery of routine and restorative dentistry.  Moving forward we will stay as vigilant as we have been through this whole thing!