38th Street Dental

5 Tips for All-on-4 Aftercare and Cleaning

Sep 30, 2021 @ 10:45 AM — by Mike Meek, DDS
Tagged with: All On 4 Austin 38th Street Dental

If you are missing most or all of your teeth, All-on-4® dental implants are a great alternative to traditional dentures. After the procedure, patients must commit to following their dentist’s aftercare and cleaning instructions. This ensures the implants and restoration last as long as possible.

Dr. David Tasch and Dr. Mike Meek of 38th Street Dental in Austin, TX, focus on patient education and can show you the best ways to care for new All-on-4 dental implants. Here are five helpful, easy-to-follow tips for the aftercare and cleaning of new All-on-4 dental implants:

1. Maintain Proper Oral Hygiene

First and foremost, patients should maintain good oral care habits after their All-on-4 dental procedure. Patients should brush their teeth twice a day, floss daily, and rinse daily with antibacterial mouthwash. These practices are critical for preventing a post-procedure infection. At no point should the patient cease these practices as they are essential for healthy teeth and gums!

For several days following the procedure, patients should very gently brush their teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush and avoid harming the surgical sites. The use of a water flosser is also helpful for clearing food particles that may get stuck around the surgical site.

2. Reduce Swelling

Swelling after a surgical procedure is common though it may not become apparent until 24 hours after the surgery and will reach its peak 2-3 days afterward. Swelling should subside after that but may last for 7-10 days following the operation. To reduce swelling, patients should apply ice packs to the outside of the mouth for 20 minutes at a time. After 48 hours, a warm compress should be applied to the outside of the cheek.

3. Pain Management

Unfortunately, some discomfort accompanies all dental implant procedures. Most patients will find mild-to-moderate pain can be treated with over-the-counter (OTC) pain medication. In addition to pain medication, Drs. Tasch and Meek may also prescribe antibiotics to prevent post-procedure infection.

During your consultation at our Austin, TX, office, Drs. Tasch and Meek will review any medications you are currently taking to avoid potential conflicts.

4. Dietary Restrictions

During the first few days after an All-on-4 procedure, the patient's diet is somewhat restricted. Hard or chewy foods, such as nuts or caramels, must be avoided as they can disrupt the implants. The patients should also avoid using a straw as it can disturb blood clots that have formed.

Soft foods should be eaten for several weeks following the procedure. For example:

5. Rest

An often overlooked part of aftercare is rest. Patients should try to get as much rest as possible in the days immediately following their procedure. Resting allows the body to focus on the area that needs healing, which promotes the success of new implants.

Before the procedure, patients should make arrangements to have help around the house for their everyday needs. Meal delivery services can also be a big help during recovery. Talk to your friends and family about your needs before undergoing All-on-4 dental implant surgery.

Contact Us for Excellent Dental Implant Treatment

Our team at 38th Street Dental in Austin, TX, has the latest and best technology to complete your dental implant procedure. Throughout the process, we’ll provide you with detailed instructions on how to ensure your All-on-4 dental implants and restoration are a success. Call (512) 458-6222 or book an appointment online today to learn more.