38th Street Dental

How Often Will I Need Invisalign® Appointments?

Jan 23, 2019 @ 04:23 PM — by Mike Meek, DDS
Tagged with: Invisalign

In recent years, Invisalign® has become an extremely popular alternative to traditional braces.  Invisalign® promises results that are comparable to braces, but it does so without subjecting patients to long months of metal brackets and wires. Instead, Invisalign® is a metal-free system that uses clear, plastic aligners to provide the needed pressure to encourage movement of the teeth.

At 38th Street Dental, Dr. C. Mike Meek and Dr. David. J. Tasch discuss Invisalign® appointment frequency at our Austin, TX practice. Prior to starting Invisalign® treatment, patients will get a detailed outline of the process, including how often they will need to be seen for checkups.

Consultation Appointments

There are a couple of consultation appointments that patients will need to schedule before starting Invisalign® treatment. An initial appointment is required so we can examine the teeth and determine if Invisalign® is a suitable treatment option.

If the patient is an ideal candidate for Invisalign®, a treatment plan will be made. We will use digital images and molds of the teeth to fabricate a set of Invisalign® aligners that meets each patient’s unique needs.

Once the aligners have been completed, the patient will return for another consultation. At this appointment we will provide patients with their aligners. We will also provide patients with instructions regarding how the aligners should be worn, how often they need to stay on the teeth, and when to progress to the next set of aligners. Patients can begin their Invisalign® treatment as soon as this appointment is complete.

Invisalign® Checkups

Throughout Invisalign® treatment, patients will need to schedule periodic checkups. These appointments allow us to examine the teeth and see if they are moving as expected.

If treatment is proceeding as anticipated, patients will receive their next several aligner trays, and the next appointment will be scheduled.

Typically, these checkups are scheduled once every six to eight weeks. As long as everything looks good, the appointments should last just 20 to 30 minutes.

If we find that the teeth have not responded to treatment as expected, these routine checkups may be used to make minor adjustments. Depending on each situation, we may alter the patient’s aligners. If necessary, new dental molds can be taken so that we can adjust the aligners that will be used later on in treatment. These routine checkups are truly vital to keeping Invisalign® treatment on track.

When Else Should I Schedule an Appointment?

In most cases, there is no need for additional appointments outside of the routine Invisalign® checkups. However, if any unusual circumstances arise, patients should feel free to call and request an appointment.

A patient may need to see us if they lose a set of aligners, if an aligner becomes damaged, if aligners don’t fit properly, or if they are experiencing any significant discomfort.

Schedule an Appointment

If you want to undergo teeth straightening treatment, you should consider the benefits of Invisalign®. We will go over the Invisalign® treatment process and let you know if you are an ideal candidate. Call (512) 458-6222 to schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience.